Posts Tagged ‘nene’

Dreaming of Home Complete!

Friday, September 14th, 2018

Dreaming of Home, oil on canvas 24″ x 30″


This is my first painting from working under the tutelage of Rose Adare.  I have learned so much, and I have so far to go!  There is so much I love about this painting.  Papa goose looks toward Maui, as though he longs to go home.  Mama is keeping an eye on us, protective of her goslings, and the two babies mirror their parent’s poses as children do.  The name of the painting came to me long before the mountains appeared in the background.  I didn’t know why, but that was the name of this painting, Dreaming of Home.

Dreaming of Home

Saturday, July 7th, 2018

As I work on paintings, they get working titles.  This gives me something to file them under besides “current painting”.  Sometimes the titles stick, and sometimes they don’t.  This painting is about a family of Nene with the father looking out to sea while the mother keeps an eye on the observer.  The babies mimic their parents’ poses.  I’m still roughing in the basic colors of the painting, so please be patient with me.

Often I combine elements of different photographs to create the vision I’m looking for.